The Bobos


How many years have you been an AFC Ann Arbor member? This will be our third year

Who do you come to the games with typically? My kids

Who is your favorite AFC Ann Arbor player? Why? No particular player, though my kids love Hector.

Why is AFC Ann Arbor so special to you? What do you love most about the club?: We enjoy the player involvement with the kids after the games and at camps. My kids also enjoy helping out with welcoming people to the games.

How does it make you feel knowing you're helping build something from the ground up? The club is the closest to us and my kids are at the age where they are enjoying the games. Our love for soccer and the family atmosphere that AFC Ann Arbor has nurtured is what we love about this team.

What is your most memorable AFC Ann Arbor moment? We do not have a particular memorable moment. Every day we are able to watch the team play is memorable. We like how hard the players work and their positive attitudes with the kids.