Larry Keeler


How many years have you been an AFC Ann Arbor member? 1

Who do you come to the games with typically? Glen Feak (and Holly my service dog) 

Who is your favorite AFC Ann Arbor player? Why? Yuri because he's an exceptional player. Love his game so much I bought his jersey. 

Why is AFC Ann Arbor so special to you? What do you love most about the club? I like to see a club that's not attached to a college. And one where local soccer is alive and well. Our members are getting to know the team and each other and it's really becoming a tight knit family. 

What is your most memorable AFC Ann Arbor moment? The first game I went to was the infamous Lansing comeback. We won in the final minutes and I could cheer loud for my city without wearing Michigan stuff! And the game was really great!!