Jordan Hahn


How many years have you been an AFC Ann Arbor member? 4

Who do you come to the games with typically? Most games with my wife, about every other game some friends will join.

Who is your favorite AFC Ann Arbor player? Why? Kyle Breitmeyer. I just love the way he hustles, he always seems like the hardest working player on the field. Also love Hector's hustle and Yuri's flash.

Why is AFC Ann Arbor so special to you? What do you love most about the club? It came at the perfect time when I was just starting to follow soccer and my wife and I were also looking for a local team to support that was affordable. I love the family feel of the club.

What is your most memorable AFC Ann Arbor moment? I think the first home game was a great experience that really solidified that this was a team/organization that I wanted to support, but the most memorable game was probably the home game against Lansing United in 2016 (the comeback!)